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Born in Madrid on November 18th, 1965. As the son of an architect and a painter’s grandson, he is brought up in a markedly artistic environment. Ever since his school years at Madrid’s Colegio Estudio, he manifests an early inclination towards drawing, and in 1983 he enters the School of Fine Arts at the UCM. After obtaining his degree in 1988, he devotes himself exclusively to painting. In 1995 he and his family move to a house-studio located in Arganda del Rey (Madrid), where he currently lives and works.

The artist -involved in Madrid’s Realism- has received numerous prizes and awards throughout the years, among which stand out the painting award “Pedro Bueno”, granted by the Villa del Rio (Cordoba) City Council in 1992, the medal of honor at the 4th Award for Painting-Architecture and Urban Landscape by the Antonio Camuñas Foundation in Madrid (1999) and the award granted by the Pilar Banús Foundation, during the 11th National Engraving Awards by the Spanish Contemporary Engraving Foundation-Museum in Marbella (2003).

As the winner of the Penagos Drawing Prize of the Mapfre Foundation in 1997, he meets the gallerist Leandro Navarro, who was part of the jury at the time, and they begin a long collaborative relationship. In 1999 and 2001, he takes part in the exhibitions “Rosas para el 2000” (“Roses for 2000”) and “Nocturnos” (“Nocturnal”) at the Leandro Navarro Gallery, where he holds solo exhibitions in the years 2008 and 2017.

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